Achieving Sexual Wholeness

Number nine is the hermit in the tarot. Now realize that it is possible to use this same energy to manifest other things that you desire in life instead of just orgasms. A sex desire is coupled with an emotion that is synonymous to an irresistible force and a creative ability. Sexual energy is the ultimate combination of the two.

The key to transmutation (this is important) is the expansion of a strong, healthy libido into bliss with adaptogenic herbs (often called "aphrodisiacs"), herbal antioxidants, vitamin antioxidants, super foods, daily water fasting, daily aerobic exercise outside in a garden or park, breathing exercises, and whatever else that will increase the level of prana (vitality) in the body and connection with nature.

Begin by building up you sexual energy. Or that energy may consciously be repressed through guilt or other beliefs that using sexual energy is bad or wrong. To understand the power of sexual energy, take a few moments to fantasize about a sexual situation. Even though the presence of oxygen is required for life, its presence in the body is also the main cause healing love of the free-radical induced aging process and an essential aspect of nearly all degenerative diseases.

One can rejuvenate cells using electricity, supplements, and sexual energy. I liken Hill's understanding of sex transmutation to charisma. Once you have built up your sexual energy and have achieved a state of ecstasy and joy, begin to move the energy up your body to the higher chakras.

Direct current electricity can be used to create the most perfect sexual transmutation and kundalini action I have ever known, resulting in immense bliss and inner joy. Hill interviewed some of the most famous and richest people alive at the time. Because you do not believe in the possibility of your success or because you do not really feel there is any point to your life, or because you have some inhibitions that prevent you from doing what it takes to feel this power.

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